Bridging the Gap Between TOEIC 700 and Fluent English: my Recommendations


The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a widely recognized assessment of English language proficiency. Achieving a score of 700 on the TOEIC is an impressive accomplishment, indicating a solid foundation in English skills. However, many individuals aspire to reach a higher level of fluency and bridge the gap between their TOEIC score and achieving true proficiency. In this article, we will explore my personal recommendations to help you advance from a TOEIC score of 700 towards fluent English.

1. Immersion through Authentic Materials

To bridge the gap between TOEIC 700 and fluent English, immerse yourself in authentic English materials. Engage with English-speaking media, such as movies, TV shows on Netflix, podcasts, and news articles on the Microsoft Edge. This exposure to real-life language usage will improve your understanding of idioms, colloquialisms, and cultural nuances, making your language skills more natural and fluent.

2. Expand Your Vocabulary

Building a robust vocabulary is essential for fluency. Regularly learn new words and useful phrases, both from formal sources like vocabulary books and through exposure to native English content. Focus on words relevant to your interests and professional field. Utilize flashcards, vocabulary apps such as abccd , and mnemonic techniques to aid memorization and actively incorporate new words into your conversations and writing.

3. Develop Listening Skills

Listening comprehension is crucial for achieving fluency. Practice listening to a variety of English accents and styles, such as American, British, or Australian English. Engage with authentic listening materials, such as TED Talks, podcasts, and audiobooks like audible. Take notes, summarize the content, and engage in discussions to enhance your understanding and retention of information.

4. Enhance Speaking Confidence

To bridge the gap to fluent English, focus on improving your speaking skills and building confidence. Engage in conversations with native English speakers or fellow learners at higher proficiency levels. Seek opportunities for language exchange or join speaking clubs such as English Cafe in Tokyo area. Practice speaking in various situations, such as giving presentations, participating in debates, or engaging in casual conversations, to develop fluency and clarity in your spoken English.

5. Read Widely

Reading extensively is a powerful way to improve your language skills. Read books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles in English. Choose topics that interest you and expose yourself to different writing styles. Pay attention to grammar structures, vocabulary usage, and sentence formation. Analyze the writing techniques employed by proficient English writers and apply them in your own writing.

6. Write Regularly

Developing strong writing skills is vital for fluent English. Practice writing in various formats, such as essays, emails, reports, and creative pieces. Seek feedback from native English speakers or experienced English teachers to improve your writing style, grammar, and organization of ideas. Set aside dedicated time for writing practice and make it a habit to refine your skills.

7. Engage in Language Exchange

Language exchange programs provide an excellent opportunity to practice English with native speakers while offering assistance in their target language. Find language exchange partners through online platforms or local communities. Establish a regular language exchange schedule and engage in meaningful conversations to improve your fluency, cultural understanding, and interpersonal skills.

8. Utilize Online Resources

The internet offers a wealth of resources to support language learning. Take advantage of online platforms, such as language learning apps, interactive websites, and online courses. Utilize grammar checkers, language forums, and pronunciation tools to refine your language skills. Engage in virtual language communities to connect with fellow learners and access valuable learning materials.

9. Embrace Cultural Immersion

Language and culture are intertwined. To truly bridge the gap to fluent English, immerse yourself in English-speaking cultures. Explore literature, music, films, and traditions from English-speaking countries. Participate in cultural events, travel if possible, and interact with native English speakers to gain a deeper understanding of the language in its cultural context.

10. Stay Persistent and Patient

Bridging the gap between TOEIC 700 and fluent English is a journey that requires persistence and patience. Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate milestones along the way. Accept that progress may not always be linear and that language learning takes time. Stay motivated, practice consistently, and embrace the joy of mastering a new language.


Reaching a TOEIC score of 700 is commendable, but for those aiming for fluent English, there is a bridge to cross. By immersing yourself in authentic materials, expanding vocabulary, developing listening and speaking skills, reading extensively, writing regularly, engaging in language exchange, utilizing online resources, embracing cultural immersion, and maintaining persistence, you can bridge the gap and achieve fluency in English. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and watch your language skills soar to new heights.
